The Two C's
Apr 20, 2022
Every day you are given two C's to choose from and every day they will remain polar opposites.
One "C" shuts the brain down and causes you to feel bad about yourself, with the other "C" encouraging you to feel good about yourself, causing your brain to open up and move forward.
One is your friend and the other is not.
In fact, for many of us, myself included, our bad habit of beating ourselves up with the one "C" is often the first to rise up, but you don't need to go there. instead make a better choice to use the other "C" that is more uplifting.
Case in point: I remember years ago when I was one week into a new job and made a major mistake. Instead of giving me the first "C" which is CONDEMNATION, my boss offered the very opposite.
The impact that took place in that moment is something I still remember to this day. My brain loved it and thrived in that new position because emotionally I knew that it was a safe place to work and that relationship was valued over performance.
Know that whether you are the one judging yourself, or someone else, your brain responds the same way and will self protect, shutting down on creativity, logic and self esteem.
The second and polar opposite "C" is CELEBRATION!
How often do you celebrate you?
Have you ever celebrated the fact that you got out of bed when all you wanted to do was stay there and shut out the world by pulling the covers over your head?
What about celebrating the fact that you showed up? Pat yourself on the back! Let your brain know that you appreciate you, even if no one else does.
Even the smallest of right choices being celebrated will cause your brain to thrive, allow you to feel good about yourself, and help you to do more, or even go for the gold.
Many times we ignore celebrating the process, all the little steps that it took to get to the end result. When you do that you miss out on so much that you could feel good about.
Even the little things matter. Don't minimize or discredit them. They are worth celebrating.
And remember, the brain thrives under celebration, so go out and celebrate, Celebrate, CELEBRATE and then kick that other "C" out because it is not your friend.
Want to have a BIG smile because you're the best version of you? Sign up today for a FREE consult and see if I'm the right coach for you..
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