Don't Rush My Healing
Oct 16, 2022
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Emma Blount. As a professional artist, she has an amazing ability to visualize her healing journey. In this blog, Emma shares how she learned to love herself back to life, having been emotionally dead inside for a very long period of time. Please note that when she talks about her baby self, it is like an allegory, referring to her emotional self; not an actual physical baby.
"I felt deep down as if my baby self was in a coma, stale putrid mucus, covered in a hard chrysalis shell.
I felt stuck like this, but decided to love and accept that dead baby chrysalis as she felt herself to be. To hold her before the Lord, trusting that He loved her and will heal her.
Not rushing.
Not pressuring my inner child to heal.
I used to drive myself in my healing,
I used to say to myself “Come on, come on, come ON! Let's get this healing thing DONE!”. Because I just wanted to be successful, and fine, and fixed…now!
I decided not to do that anymore.
Instead I came down to the level of the most damaged part of myself.
I accepted that part of myself and told broken baby me that I’m OK…you will be loved, you will be healed, just hang on little one, Jesus and adult me are coming for you!
I sang worship songs over her. It didn’t feel like it was making a difference, but I kept doing it.
I slowed down and spent more time being.
Being with myself.
Being with God.
I read Psalm 34 over and over, and really meditated on the words and claimed them as my own.
I smiled more.
I did things slower.
I stopped work often to sit in the garden, take my shoes off, and feel the grass beneath my feet.
I watched the clouds, and the birds, and the trees.
I gave this healing process higher value than my career.
I gave myself more value.
I began to love myself.
And while I did this, the poisoned chrysalis baby self just lay there in my imagination. Apparently unchanged and unable to perceive what was going on around her.
After a week of marinating in Jesus’s love, which cannot but bring change, I decided I am not and never was a putrid mass of mucus in a chrysalis.
So I said no to that image and rejected it as a lie.
I asked God to heal that part of me.
I visualized His hand clasping the chrysalis and while He holds me, my child self comes to life.
I visualized my adult self and Jesus comforting and cuddling my child self, and then Jesus throwing
me in the air, with both of us laughing.
One step further on in my healing journey.
Another stone in my healing jar."
(A healing jar is used for encouraging yourself throughout the healing journey. It is used as a reminder for things like making right choices, and loving oneself. The jars can be any shape or size, and anything can be put in the jar; beads, buttons, jelly beans, objects, etc. The one rule is that you can never take anything out of the healing jar if you fail to make a good choice. It is only there to remind you that you are making good choices and visually show you that change is happening; one choice at a time :}
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